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Vmax VMX-12 V-boost booster control unit JFK

Yamaha V-max Booster control unit
The V-Boost System black box
Butterfly valve unit

V-Boost is a system that opens butterfly valves in the intake manifold between the 1st and 2nd and between the 3rd and 4th cylinders starting from 5,750 rpm. The valves are opened gradually to match the rising engine speed with a signal provided by the ignition system. The valves are at the full open position at 8,000 rpm. A small black box sends a computed signal to a servo motor that pulls a wire to open the butterfly valves. The V-Boost system adds 10 percent to the top power rating of the base engine.

CDI TCI Custo de análise 1

CDI TCI Custo de análise 1

R$ 265.97
CDI TCI Conserto - Revisão 2

CDI TCI Conserto - Revisão 2

R$ 1,156.40

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