Regulador de Tensão/ Retificador
Imagem do Produto | Nome do item- | Preço |
Clique aqui para o formulario de teste/ conserto Testing Voltage regulator Você paga este valor quando a sua unidade tiver sido analisada pela... |
R$51.79 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR021 6V or 12V single phase unit , 120W Garantia de 1 ano Blue wire loop remains intact for 6 Volts. Blue.. |
R$442.32 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR071 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Yamaha SR250 Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR091 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Suzuki LT230GE Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR101 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst. |
R$494.36 |
Regulador / retificador de tensão MOSFET moderno - CARR104-DRZ-KLX Também adequado para baterias Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP Garantia de.. |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR104-Mesh Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR111 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Suzuki LT250EF Voltage regulator... |
R$442.32 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR121 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda VT700 Voltage regulator. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier with capacator, no batterie needed, for LED - CARR121C1 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play We manufacture a.. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR121LI More effective and gets less warm than the original regulator rectifier, therefore more... |
R$598.50 |
32800-44130, 32800-33401, 32800-40A00, 32800-09301, 32800-33400, 32800-44230, 32800-09300, 32800-00A00, 32800-04A01, 2J27 67 RS21 Modern Voltage... |
R$494.36 |
32800-44130, 32800-33401, 32800-40A00, 32800-09301, 32800-33400, 32800-44230, 32800-09300, 32800-00A00, 32800-04A01, 2J27 67 RS21 Modern MOSFET... |
R$494.36 |
SH530-12, SH530-12k, SH532-12, 21066-1018, 21066-1028, 21066-1030, 21066-1032, 21066-1063 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR141... |
R$494.36 |
SH530-12, SH530-12k, SH532-12, 21066-1018, 21066-1028, 21066-1030, 21066-1032, 21066-1063 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR141-LI .. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR151 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Kawasaki EN500 voltage regulator... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR161 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda CX500 voltage regulator. |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR164-LI Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$546.46 |
32800HN9110, 32800HN9101, 32800HP9300 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR204-Hy Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR171 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Husaberg FC 450 Voltage regulator.. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR181 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda CH125 Elite voltage... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR191 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$494.36 |
5031465, 5032615, 32800-87J00, 32800-87J10 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR101-DF Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201 GAS GAS GASGAS Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-DR Suzuki DR125 DR200 RG125 SH553B-13 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-DRZ Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-SUZ Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play. |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-YY Benzhou Quantum YY125 YY 125 (LH0909) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR202 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR202 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$468.34 |
Modern Kawasaki MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR202 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR202 (4HM-81960-00-00 / 5SL-81960-00-00 ) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$468.34 |
Modern Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR203-Marine-Outboard Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia.. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR204-KZ Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play.. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-Marine-Outboard Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Plug&Play 1 ano. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-SLR Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda FX650 Vigor Voltage... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-XL Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play 3x Yellow: Stator fases 1x Red: 12V 1x Black: Switched 12V... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201Po-Polaris Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Polaris Outlaw 450S... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-TGB Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play. |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-YFM Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play. |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691Griz Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries 3 Year Garantie Plug&Play... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier Polaris Sportsman RZR Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano ... |
R$728.66 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier TGB 300XL - CARR691-TGB Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano ... |
R$728.66 |
4011569, 4012384, 4011925, OL1023N Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARROL1023N-Po Garantia de 3 anos Plug&Play Amongst others... |
R$494.36 |
31600-425-008, 31600-461-771, 31600-MA6-000, 31600-MA6-910, 31600-ME5-003, 31600-ME5-013, 31600-MJ1-671, 31600-MJ1-672, 31600-MJ1-780 Modern MOSFET.. |
R$468.34 |
SH234-12, SH236 / SH236A-12 / SH236B-12, SH237-12, SH254-12, SH255-12, SH255B-12 Regulador/Retificador de Tensão MOSFET Moderno - CARR221 ... |
R$468.34 |
31600MZ9901, 31600-MZ9-901 Regulador/Retificador de Tensão MOSFET Moderno - CARR221-ST Também adequado para baterias Lithium-Ion -... |
R$494.36 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR231 (Rotor-2) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR231J Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CB750F2 RC42... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR241 rotor-1 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR251 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CH250 voltage regulator... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR261 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki DT750 voltage regulator... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR271 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR291 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CB750A HondaMatic Voltage... |
R$520.38 |
31700-371-000, 31600-463-008, 31600-MG9-010, 31600-MG9-000, 31410-371-008, S7T-01 SH538-12, SH541-12, SH541C-12 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator /... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR311 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR321 (rotor-2) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR331 (rotor-2) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR341 (CARR-rotor-1) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano.. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR351 (CARR-rotor-1) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano.. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR354-XS (CARR-rotor-1) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR654-LI Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR361 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Yamaha XVZ12 voltage regulator... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR371 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki GPZ550 Voltage regulator... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR381 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR201-XV Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$650.54 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR391 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Yamaha SRV250 Voltage regulator... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR401 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play -->.. |
R$520.38 |
Regulador/retificador de tensão moderno - CARR401J-VS14W Garantia de 3 anos Plug & Play Adequado para, entre outros: Suzuki VS1400... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR401J-VS67W (cable 65cm) Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Suzuki VS600... |
R$520.38 |
Improved Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR401JW 1 ano de garantia Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Suzuki VS600 Intruder Voltage Regulator. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR411 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR421 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Yamaha TZ125 Voltage regulator... |
R$598.50 |
SH678C-13 / SH689BA, 31600-MEE-872, 31600-MEE-003, 31600-MCZ-D11, 31600-MCJ-641, 31600-MCF-D30, 31600-MCZ-003 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator /... |
R$598.50 |
Nº OEM: T1305123, VIN 564948, SH820AD Regulador/Retificador de Tensão MOSFET Moderno - CARR431 Também adequado para baterias... |
R$598.50 |
1D001549, PIA-641709, SH689JE , SH689JC Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR431MG Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$598.50 |
SH678C-13 / SH689BA, 31600-MEE-872, 31600-MEE-003, 31600-MCZ-D11, 31600-MCJ-641, 31600-MCF-D30, 31600-MCZ-003 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator /... |
R$624.52 |
SH678C-13 / SH689BA, 31600-MEE-872, 31600-MEE-003, 31600-MCZ-D11, 31600-MCJ-641, 31600-MCF-D30, 31600-MCZ-003 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator /... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR441 + CARC022-5 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$754.68 |
US-28703800, GU28703800, GU287038 287, REF4372 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR451 - Rotor-1 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion -. |
R$676.62 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR461 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki Z1300 Voltage... |
R$754.68 |
21066-1007, 21066-1015 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR471 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de.. |
R$754.68 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR481 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play --> CARR482 ''It fits under the seat, not under the. |
R$468.34 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR482 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Yamaha XV400 Virago Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR481 --> CARR694-XV Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR491 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR504 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play !!.. |
R$754.68 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR511 More effective and gets less warm than the original regulator rectifier, therefore more... |
R$676.62 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR511Z More effective and gets less warm than the original regulator rectifier, therefore more... |
R$676.62 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR512 Improved MOSFET regulator With direct battery leads for a even more reliable voltage regulation 1 ano de... |
R$676.62 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR521 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR531 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR531 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$702.64 |
OEM: 21066-1026 / 210661026 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR531-Z1300-A4 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR531 Also suitable for lithium ion batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR541 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Yamaha XC180 Riva Voltage regulator.. |
R$520.38 |
SH640D-12, SH650-12, SH235-12 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR541-LI Também adequado para baterias Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR551 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$676.62 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR561 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Suzuki VX800 Marauder Voltage... |
R$624.52 |
Universal Regulator/Rectifier - CARR581 + CARC010-5 + pasta MOSFET TECHNOLOGY Plug&Play Also suitable for Lithium-ion batteries With Contra.. |
R$572.48 |
Universal Regulator/Rectifier - CARR581 + CARC010-5 MOSFET TECHNOLOGY / Also suitable for Lithium ion batteries With Contra Connector and 5... |
R$546.46 |
SH632-12, SH633-12, SH638-12, SH639-12, SH609-12, SH701-12, SH691-12 Regulator/Rectifier - CARR581 MOSFET TECHNOLOGY / Also suitable for Lithium ion. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR591 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda VFR400R Voltage regulator... |
R$598.50 |
Improved modern 2-fase MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR601 Garantia de 3 anos Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda ATC250 Voltage.. |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR531-NTV Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play. |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR621 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR631 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR641 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda XL600V Transalp Voltage... |
R$624.52 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR644-LI Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among. |
R$676.62 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR651 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CH250 Elite Voltage regulator.. |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR661 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CB350S Voltage regulator... |
R$520.38 |
31410-HA5-671, 31600-MC4-000, 31400-KG0-008, 31600-KG0-000 Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR671 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among... |
R$468.34 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - ESR670 ElectroSport Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda Reflex 200 Voltage... |
R$442.32 |
31600-428-003, 31600-437-731, SH223 6V Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR681 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for:... |
R$468.34 |
31600-KSZ-770, 31600-MBG-D01, 31600-MBG-306, 31600-MCW-D01, 31600-MCW-D61, 31600-MCF-003, 31600-MCF-D30, 31600-MAT-E01 Modern MOSFET Voltage... |
R$728.66 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691 with 75cm lead Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$728.66 |
AKM6004, SH541SB, SH541KF Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694-KTM Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694-KTM-LC Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$702.64 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694-VLR Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others.. |
R$546.46 |
31600-MCC-601, 31600MCC601, SH579C-12 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694-X11 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$728.66 |
Modern improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694BU2 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano ... |
R$728.66 |
Modern improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694BU3 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$728.66 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694CA - CAN-AM OEM 710006824 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia... |
R$728.66 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691FZ Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play ... |
R$546.46 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691Ho MOSFET 12V / 45A Heavy duty Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de.. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691Ka Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691L-P scooter Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$442.32 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691LT Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Suzuki LT-A500 Vinson Voltage... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691MG Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$728.66 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691SH Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691SW Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$598.50 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691V 75cm Honda XL1000V Varadero MOSFET 12V / 45A Heavy duty Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691VF Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694VI - Victory OEM 4011959 4012238 4012717 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$728.66 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691VL Suzuki C90 C90T M90 M109R AN650 Burgman Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1. |
R$546.46 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691VN 30cm Kawasaki VN800 ZX-6R MOSFET 12V / 45A Heavy duty Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691VT Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$754.68 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691xx with 75cm lead Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano.. |
R$728.66 |
Honda XL125V Varadero Regulador/Retificador de Tensão MOSFET Moderno - CARR694- XL125V Também adequado para baterias Lithium-Ion -... |
R$702.64 |
SH811AD 47H50 Regulador/Retificador de Tensão MOSFET Moderno - CARR694 -AN400 Também adequado para baterias Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP. |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR204-BMW Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR731 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Suzuki DR250S Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR751 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Suzuki VS600 Intruder Voltage... |
R$598.50 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR751J Plug&Play 1 Year Warranty Among others suitable for: Suzuki VS600 Intruder 1995 voltage regulator Suzuki. |
R$598.50 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR771 CARR-rotor-2 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR791 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CA125 Rebel 1995 1996 1997... |
R$520.38 |
Modern 2 fase MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR801 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Harley Davidson 1340 FXR... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR811 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR821 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda XRV750 Africa Twin Voltage... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR824-LI Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$728.66 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR831 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$624.52 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR851 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Suzuki GN125 Voltage regulator... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR861 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$624.52 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR871 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CBR1000 Hurricane Voltage... |
R$754.68 |
Improved Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR911J Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki KFX700 (V-force) Voltage... |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR921 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki KH250 Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
4KB-81960-01 / 4KB-81960-02 / 4KB-81960-00 / 3HT-81960-00-00 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR931 Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR941 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda TRX300 AC FOURTRAX Voltage... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR951 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda TRX300 Fourtrax Voltage... |
R$598.50 |
CARRC4700 Motorbike capacitor 4700uF - for lights, no battery 12V This is a maintenance free 12 volt capacitor assembly to replace an existing small.. |
R$77.87 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR961 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki KLX250 Voltage regulator... |
R$598.50 |
SERIE SERIES MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier + CHECK - CARR5925-SERIE (improved SH847) + connectors Reduces alternator temperature by. |
R$1,015.06 |
SERIE SERIES Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR5925-SERIE (improved SH847) Reduces alternator temperature by 25%, greatly increasing its... |
R$884.84 |
SERIE SERIES Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR5925-SERIE (improved SH847) + connectors Reduces alternator temperature by 25%, greatly... |
R$936.94 |
21066-1093 / AP8127144 / 8127144 / SH5416-12 / SH541G-12 / SH579GA Voltage Regulator / Rectifier Aprilia RSV1000 Mille Tuono Caponord Futura SL1000... |
R$702.64 |
3TJ-81960-01 / 3TJ-81960-02 / 47X-81960-A3 / 47X-81960-A2 / 47X-81960-A1 / 47X-81960-A0 / 3TJ-81960-00 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier -.. |
R$468.34 |
SH565-12/ SH629B-11 / SH569A-12 / SH629A-12 / 3TJ-01 / 3KW-03 Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR984-LI Also suitable for Lithium-Ion. |
R$520.38 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR985 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Yamaha TDR125 Voltage regulator rectifier... |
R$442.32 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR991 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR991DL Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among... |
R$702.64 |
31600-KSV-J01, 31600-MFJ-D01, 31600-MEW-921, 31600-MFF-D01, 31600-MFA-D01, 31600-MEL-003, 31600-MEL-013, 31600-MEL-D21 Modern MOSFET Voltage... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1251 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda CRM250 Mk1 Voltage... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1271 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$754.68 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1301 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$754.68 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1521 120w, 3 phase, lower power unit Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play We manufacture a wide range of. |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1541 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Kawasaki ER5 ER500-A3 Voltage... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1551 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$702.64 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1631 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Para: Ducati 125 voltage regulator Ducati 175 voltage regulator... |
R$572.48 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1671 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda RS125R Voltage regulator rectifier. |
R$442.32 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR2102 MOSFET version / Also suitable for Lithium-ion batteries 1 ano de garantia Plug&Play 12V / 40A Amongst... |
R$624.52 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR2131 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Yamaha WR250F Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR2141 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Yamaha YFZ450 quad Voltage regulator... |
R$468.34 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR2151 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play We manufacture a wide range of regulator rectifiers to fit new and... |
R$260.06 |
ADC6002, 230-42022, AP8212540, R51540011A0, 2727800000, 00G01000841, 343480, 34348100, 34348101, 717003, 3372902, 21066-1086, 50311034000, 02601100,.. |
R$129.91 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR2301 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Suzuki VL125 Intruder Voltage regulator.. |
R$468.34 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR2671 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda XL200R voltage regulator rectifier 1983... |
R$390.22 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR3151 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Kawasaki ZX12 ZZR1200 Voltage... |
R$702.64 |
5BN-81960-00-00 / 4XY819600000 / 230-58291 / 32800-42F00 / OEM234600 / 21066-1127 / 31600-HN0-671 / 31600-KTB-004 / 32800-38F10 / 32800-87L00 /.. |
R$598.50 |
MV Agusta Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR4405 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$598.50 |
ESR444 ElectroSport Voltage regulator rectifier Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Arctic Cat 550 EFI Voltage regulator... |
R$572.48 |
31600-HM8-003 / 31600-HM8-013 / 31600-HM8-B00 / 31600-HN1-A41 / 31600-HN2-003 / 31600-HN2-013 / 21066-0042 / 21066-S006 / 21066-S012 / 21066-S004 /... |
R$520.38 |
2CR-81960-00-00, SH683CA, SH683AA, SH683-12, 31600-HM7-003, 31600-HM7-830, 31600-HN0-671, 31600-HN5-671, 31600-HN5-M40, 31600-KPF-961, 31600-KTB-003,. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR4511 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Cagiva 750 Elefant Voltage... |
R$754.68 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR511 -851 More effective and gets less warm than the original regulator rectifier, therefore... |
R$676.62 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR5115 More effective and gets less warm than the original regulator rectifier, therefore more... |
R$676.62 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR5201W Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Beta RR 250 Enduro Voltage regulator... |
R$260.06 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR5601 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among.. |
R$520.38 |
Improved modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR5925 + contra connectors (improved SH847, FH020AB) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion -... |
R$624.52 |
Improved modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR5925 + contra connectors (improved SH847) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP. |
R$624.52 |
Improved modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR5925 + contra connectors (improved SH847) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP... |
R$624.52 |
Improved modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR5925 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 3 anos... |
R$572.48 |
Improved modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR5925 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 3 anos... |
R$572.48 |
Improved modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator Rectifier - CARR5925 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 3 anos... |
R$572.48 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR6651 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda CB250N 1978 - 1983 voltage.. |
R$520.38 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR6654-LI Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694AP Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694AP2 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694BMW (61312346550) Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano .. |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - ESR711 ElectroSport (61312346550) Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Cable: 42cm (incl. connector)... |
R$546.46 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR8254 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Aprilia Classic 125 Voltage... |
R$468.34 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier Suzuki VL800 C50 Volusia Boulevard - CARR8511 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries ... |
R$780.76 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR8521 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play... |
R$650.54 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR8531 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among.. |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR9714-KTM Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$702.64 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR9714-RSV-SL Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano... |
R$702.64 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR9851 We manufacture a wide range of regulator rectifiers to fit new and older motorcycles. New advanced design -.. |
R$442.32 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR9852 (CARR2151) We manufacture a wide range of regulator rectifiers to fit new and older motorcycles. New... |
R$442.32 |
Modern improved Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - SH746AA (CARR2151) Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Fits on: Suzuki LTZ50 Quadsport voltage regulator.. |
R$442.32 |
Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR691-Sea Doo Also s uitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Plug&Play 1 ano de... |
R$442.32 |
12v 4-way 75 watt compact universal voltage regulator rectifier (32800-48720) Improved MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1201 Also suitable.. |
R$364.20 |
Modern improved Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-01JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play We manufacture a wide range of regulator rectifiers. |
R$676.62 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-02JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson Touring models... |
R$936.94 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-03JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley-Davidson Fatboy EFI... |
R$416.24 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-04JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley-Davidson FLSTS HERITAGE... |
R$546.46 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-05JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson Sportster... |
R$546.46 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-06JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson SPORTSTER XL... |
R$494.36 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-07JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson Cross Bones -... |
R$728.66 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-08JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe... |
R$728.66 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-09JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson Dyna Fat Bob -... |
R$676.62 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-10JW Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Harley Davidson Sportster 883... |
R$598.50 |
74507-85, 74510-64, 74510-64T, 74510-65, 7450785, 7451064, 7451064T, 7451065 Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR-HARLEY-11JW Garantia de 3... |
R$468.34 |
AL586X, 4419338, 121000-2430, 39-8201, A357-107, 5227349, 5227672, 5227673, LRA01118, A1277, A1287 Carbon brush holder set Chrysler Dodge Plymouth... |
R$51.79 |
Carbon brush holder set MV Agusta F4 Brutale Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Fits: MV Agusta Brutale 750S Carbon brush holder set MV Agusta Brutale... |
R$51.79 |
Rectifier diode set MV Agusta F4 Brutale Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Fits: MV Agusta Brutale 750S Rectifier diode set MV Agusta Brutale 910... |
R$181.94 |
Voltage regulator MV Agusta F4 Brutale Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Fits: MV Agusta Brutale 750S Alternator Generator voltage regulator MV Agusta.. |
R$494.36 |
21072-009, 58011034500, 32500-19A00, 32500-24400, 32500-37410, 32500-35400, 32500-15320, 32800-36021, 82F-81910-A0, 898-81910-12, 8H4-81910-50 12V AC. |
R$234.05 |
21072-009, 58011034500, 32500-19A00, 32500-24400, 32500-37410, 32500-35400, 32500-15320, 32800-36021, 82F-81910-A0, 898-81910-12, 8H4-81910-50 12V AC. |
R$234.05 |
32500-27600, 32500-25600, 32800-16A00, 443-81910-62, 353-81970-63, 353-81970-M0, 498-81910-23, 1M1-81970-60, 498-81910-21, 443-81910-60,... |
R$234.05 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - RC09 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda CT90 Trail Voltage regulator rectifier. |
R$181.94 |
31100-MCS-013, 31100-MCS-003, 2711850, 7125164 Improved modern internal Honda Pan European ST1300 CTX1300 Deluxe rectifier 1 ano de garantia... |
R$312.17 |
21001-1192, 101211-1741, DENSO Improved modern internal Kawasaki ZZR1200 ZX1200 Ninja Bobcat voltage regulator Garantia de 3 anos Plug&Play Among. |
R$234.05 |
Improved modern internal Pan European Bandit Katana Speedtriple Daytona Trident Trophy voltage regulator 1 ano de garantia Plug&Play We... |
R$312.17 |
Improved modern internal Moto Guzzi Breva Griso Norge Stelvio California voltage regulator 1 ano de garantia Plug&Play Among others suitable for:. |
R$416.24 |
Modern Voltage Rectifier - RC38 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Amongst others suitable for: Honda CL350 voltage rectifier Honda CB500T voltage... |
R$129.91 |
Modern Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - RG50 Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Among others suitable for: Honda CB200 1974 1975 1976 Honda CB200T 1975... |
R$312.17 |
Kawasaki Z regulator We manufacture a wide range of regulators to fit new and older motorcycles. New advanced design - most of our regulators now... |
R$286.08 |
Lighting Voltage Regulator 12V (CARR2151) Prevents 'bulb failure' when fitted to a 12V AC lighting system (no battery). Robust electric... |
R$234.05 |
Modern improved Voltage Regulator - RTRG25W Garantia de 1 ano Before replacing this Regulator please check the OHMs reading on your rotor, a reading.. |
R$572.48 |
Modern improved Voltage Regulator - RTRG25W Garantia de 1 ano Before replacing this Regulator please check the OHMs reading on your rotor, a reading.. |
R$572.48 |
Carmo moto tapete Tapete de veludo impresso com suporte de látex. Dimensões: 215x90 cm |
R$364.20 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR651 We manufacture a wide range of regulator rectifiers to fit new and older motorcycles. New advanced design -... |
R$598.50 |
Modern MOSFET Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR694-X4 Also suitable for Lithium-Ion - LiFePO4 LFP batteries Garantia de 1 ano Plug&Play Cable.. |
R$936.94 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR061 Low power Regulator Rectifier Amongst others suitable for: Yamaha XT500 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 OEM... |
R$494.36 |
Universal Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR1511 75w, 3 phase, low power unit We manufacture a wide range of regulator rectifiers to fit new and... |
R$312.17 |
Voltage Regulator / Rectifier - CARR911 Among others suitable for: Kawasaki KLF300 Bayou 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Kawasaki KLF300 Bayou 4x4 1999. |
R$832.80 |